In this short screencast I will show how to create a “colour-fader” with jQuery, much like the one used on this website (up in the header). It’s not a particularly practical enhancement but I think it’s a pretty cool feature nonetheless. You can download the files created in the screencast here [zip].

If you watched my last screencast I’m sure you’ve noticed the vast difference in sound quality; well, that’s because of my recently acquired Samson mic.

I’m hoping to begin a podcast show soon, although I’m not 100% sure about it. If any of you are interested in possibly co-hosting such a show (even just for one episode) please let me know! If it does happen then the main topics of discussion will be web development, usability, industry news, hopefully with a strong focus on JavaScript.

While I’ve got your attention here’s a few links to keep you distracted:

Thanks for reading! Please share your thoughts with me on Twitter. Have a great day!