I want to say a huge Thank You to everyone that entered the cookbook competition! It was very interesting reading through all your comments; some funny, some saddening, some very insightful and others just plain silly!
I was considering picking the winners based on the comments themselves, but after considering the sheer number of comments (over 250) and the fact that there are many more than five people that genuinely deserve a free copy, I decided to pick the winners randomly!
So, without further delay, here are the five winners (see the code that picked them):
Going to leave a word here to try my luck. I could use some more learning. I should have created a plug in by now, maybe the book could help me get there.
Hi. Thanks for this possibility! I would like to win this book to gain a better and deeper understanding of jQuery. I am trying to make the best use of the online examples many sites offer, but I am still a bit “old fashioned” and still need a good printed book to highlight, comment, carry with me and draw funny faces on when I’m learning something 🙂
John Nelson
I have a craving for some jQuery and I have no recipe to go by. Why use the frozen microwave jQuery you find on the web, when you can have fully baked goodness printed and bound? I want to have a great reference for my daily jQuery needs. It makes javascript something special.
Because I haven’t read it yet?
We love jquery and need to get better at it. Being a small, non-profit, public radio station, any money i can save our .org on books… is always good!
Congratulations to these commenters! I’ll be emailing you within the next day! 🙂
I know that some of you would have preferred me to pick the comments based on the contents of each comment, but it just wouldn’t have been feasible. There were so many great comments – it would have been impossible to fairly decide.
Once more, congratulations to the lucky winners!
Thanks for reading! Please share your thoughts with me on Twitter. Have a great day!
Ohhh I did not win 🙁 sadly, congratulations to the winners !!!
I hope you can repeat this with other books of jquery or same 🙂
Because I haven’t read it yet?
m… really gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood sentence!
Another approach would’ve been to filter out those ‘great’ comments first, then randomly selecting five of them. It just feels a little bit off that a silly comment like “Because I haven’t read it yet?” wins a prize, while some other people who actually did write something witty/funny get left out in the cold. Oh well 🙂
I like the code you used to select the winners!
Congrats to the winners! I agree with James, randomly selecting the winners was the only fair way. That way he didn’t have to worry about subconsciously playing favorites or anything like that. 🙂
Congrats to the winners.
You should have a vote amongst all the entrants (any anyone else) for the best one. Can’t vote for your own though! See what popular opinion says.
congratulate pobiditeley =)